Top 5 International Music & Arts Events in Mexico City for the Rest of 2024

Mexi­co City is buz­zing with vibrant events this year, and if you’­re into music and the arts, the­se upco­ming fes­ti­vals and per­for­man­ces are unmis­sa­ble:

1. Vive Latino 2024 (March 16–17, 2024)

One of the lar­gest music fes­ti­vals in Latin Ame­ri­ca, Vive Latino is known for its incre­di­ble lineup of inter­na­tio­nal and Latin Ame­ri­can artists across a variety of gen­res. The energy and diver­sity of the per­for­man­ces make this a can’t-miss event for music lovers.

2. Festival Internacional Cervantino (October 11–27, 2024)

Although pri­ma­rily held in Gua­na­jua­to, many cul­tu­ral events and per­for­man­ces spill over into Mexi­co City during this fes­ti­val. Fea­tu­ring visual arts, cine­ma, music, and thea­ter, it’s a grand cele­bra­tion of Latin Ame­ri­can cul­tu­re and crea­ti­vity.

3. MUTEK MX 2024 (October 8–20, 2024)

This elec­tro­nic music and digi­tal arts fes­ti­val is a glo­bal sen­sa­tion. With immer­si­ve mul­ti­me­dia ins­ta­lla­tions, cut­ting-edge music, and per­for­man­ces, MUTEK con­ti­nues to push boun­da­ries in digi­tal crea­ti­vity.

4. Candlelight Concert Series: Day of the Dead (October 27 — November 2, 2024)

In cele­bra­tion of Día de los Muer­tos, the­se ele­gant con­certs blend tra­di­tio­nal Mexi­can the­mes with clas­si­cal music. Held in stun­ning venues with a cand­le­lit atmosphe­re, it’s an unfor­get­ta­ble cul­tu­ral and audi­tory expe­rien­ce.

5. Corona Capital 2024 (November 2024, exact dates TBD)

A major inter­na­tio­nal music fes­ti­val, Coro­na Capi­tal hosts a lineup of top inter­na­tio­nal artists and is a sta­ple for pop, rock, and alter­na­ti­ve music fans.

If you’­re plan­ning to visit Mexi­co City for any of the­se events, let Sho­gun Ser­vi­ces enhan­ce your expe­rien­ce! We offer VIP trans­por­ta­tion and execu­ti­ve secu­rity ser­vi­ces, ensu­ring you tra­vel in sty­le and safety. Book your pre­mium ser­vi­ces with us and enjoy a seam­less and luxu­rious expe­rien­ce at the­se world-class events.

Visit Sho­gun Ser­vi­ces to learn more!